Unikatni zidni(ili stolni) drveni sat - R U Č N I R A D
Unique wall and table wooden clock- HANDMADE
Hm..ja oduvijek volim satove, naime, ne samo da ih skupljam kao hrčak po svojoj sobi, što budilica( koje mogu prodavati), što zidnih satova koje sam dobila od mojih dragih prijatelja. Ne brinite, nisu tako skupi. :). Recimo da oduvijek kasnim, na dogovore sa prijateljima i generalno na raznorazna događanja, trudim se već godinama i to sam uspješno savladala (Lana, sjedi, 5), kako zakasniti...dakle, nijedan sat vas ne može požuriti, bar ne mene. Ja uporno godinama stavljam sat pet minuta ranije nego što zaista je, ali ne pomaže. Nažalost. Također, primjetila sam da mi ljudi vole poklanjati satove, hm, ja ne mislim da je to slučajno, sigurno se krije neka poruka iza svega toga.:)
Moja opsesija prema tika taka stvarčicama je krenula sa velikim zidnim, antiknim satovima, kukavicama.
Naime, satovi su prije bili ogromni. Što veći, to bolji. Danas to više nije slučaj. Danas ih većinom objesimo na zid, umjesto kakve slike. Moji satovi su sve to. Slika, a ujedno funkcionalni. I da, oni zbilja rade. Nisu samo za ukras. Svi ovi satovi su unikatni ručni radovi. I dolaze potpuno iz moje glave. Neki su manji, neki veći, neki su smeđi, crni, bijeli, neki su četvrtasti, okrugli, ali su moji. A mogu biti i vaši ;)
Ovaj sat na slici je napravljen u decoupage tehnici, motiv klavirskih tipki i violinskog ključa. Sat je antiknog, starinskog stila i oblika. Može se objesiti na zid. :)
Hmm .. I have always loved clocks,, not only that im collecting them them like a hamster in my room, but also alarm clocks (which I can start selling), and clocks that I have received from my dear friends as well. Do not worry, they are not so expensive. :).Lets say I am always late, to dates with my friends and generally to such diverse events, I'm trying for years and I have successfully mastered (Lana, you got an A in coming late, you may sit down) in being late ... so, noone clock can make you hurry up, at least not me. For years I put clock five minutes earlier than it actually is, but it does not help. Unfortunately. Also, I noticed that people like to give me watches, clocks, um, I do not think it's a coincidence, surely its some message behind all this. :)
My obsession with the tick tock thingies started with large wall hangings, antique clocks, cuckoo.
In fact, before the clocks were huge. The bigger, the better. Today this is no longer the case. Today most of them hang on the wall, instead of the images. My watches have it all. Images, and also functional. And yes, they really work. They are not just for decoration. All these watches are unique handicrafts. And coming completely out of my head. Some are smaller, some larger, some are brown, black, white, some are square, round, but they are mine. And they can be yours too. ;)
This watch on the picture is made in the decoupage technique, motifs are piano keys and violin key. Clock is made in an antique, vintage style and shape. It can be hung on the wall. :)
Unique wall and table wooden clock- HANDMADE
Hm..ja oduvijek volim satove, naime, ne samo da ih skupljam kao hrčak po svojoj sobi, što budilica( koje mogu prodavati), što zidnih satova koje sam dobila od mojih dragih prijatelja. Ne brinite, nisu tako skupi. :). Recimo da oduvijek kasnim, na dogovore sa prijateljima i generalno na raznorazna događanja, trudim se već godinama i to sam uspješno savladala (Lana, sjedi, 5), kako zakasniti...dakle, nijedan sat vas ne može požuriti, bar ne mene. Ja uporno godinama stavljam sat pet minuta ranije nego što zaista je, ali ne pomaže. Nažalost. Također, primjetila sam da mi ljudi vole poklanjati satove, hm, ja ne mislim da je to slučajno, sigurno se krije neka poruka iza svega toga.:)
Moja opsesija prema tika taka stvarčicama je krenula sa velikim zidnim, antiknim satovima, kukavicama.
Naime, satovi su prije bili ogromni. Što veći, to bolji. Danas to više nije slučaj. Danas ih većinom objesimo na zid, umjesto kakve slike. Moji satovi su sve to. Slika, a ujedno funkcionalni. I da, oni zbilja rade. Nisu samo za ukras. Svi ovi satovi su unikatni ručni radovi. I dolaze potpuno iz moje glave. Neki su manji, neki veći, neki su smeđi, crni, bijeli, neki su četvrtasti, okrugli, ali su moji. A mogu biti i vaši ;)
Ovaj sat na slici je napravljen u decoupage tehnici, motiv klavirskih tipki i violinskog ključa. Sat je antiknog, starinskog stila i oblika. Može se objesiti na zid. :)
Hmm .. I have always loved clocks,, not only that im collecting them them like a hamster in my room, but also alarm clocks (which I can start selling), and clocks that I have received from my dear friends as well. Do not worry, they are not so expensive. :).Lets say I am always late, to dates with my friends and generally to such diverse events, I'm trying for years and I have successfully mastered (Lana, you got an A in coming late, you may sit down) in being late ... so, noone clock can make you hurry up, at least not me. For years I put clock five minutes earlier than it actually is, but it does not help. Unfortunately. Also, I noticed that people like to give me watches, clocks, um, I do not think it's a coincidence, surely its some message behind all this. :)
My obsession with the tick tock thingies started with large wall hangings, antique clocks, cuckoo.
In fact, before the clocks were huge. The bigger, the better. Today this is no longer the case. Today most of them hang on the wall, instead of the images. My watches have it all. Images, and also functional. And yes, they really work. They are not just for decoration. All these watches are unique handicrafts. And coming completely out of my head. Some are smaller, some larger, some are brown, black, white, some are square, round, but they are mine. And they can be yours too. ;)
This watch on the picture is made in the decoupage technique, motifs are piano keys and violin key. Clock is made in an antique, vintage style and shape. It can be hung on the wall. :)
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